Diocese of Galloway
Live Streams and Spiritual Resources
Live Streams - Diocese of Galloway

St Margaret's Cathedral, Ayr - Live Stream

St John's, Cumnock - Live Stream

St Andrew's, Dumfries - Live Stream

St Teresa's, Dumfries - Live Stream

Garnock Valley Parishes - Audio Podcasts

St Mary's, Irvine - Live Stream

St John Ogilvie, Irvine - Live Stream

St Joseph's, Kilmarnock - Live Stream

St Matthew's, Kilmarnock - Live Stream

St Mary, Star of the Sea, Largs - Live Stream
Remember to look at your own parish website 
for local details and news.  
Parish websites are listed here.

Live stream Guidance from the Bishops' Conference of Scotland

The Bishops' Conference has recently published a protocol for Live Streaming in Catholic Churches. 

Live Streamimg - BCoS
Please, find below a link to the Bishops' Conference of Scotland documents on reopening of churches.
These documents include the pastoral letter and guidelines regarding the preparations to reopen churches: www.bcos.org.uk/COVID19/tabid/127/Default.aspx

Denominational Live Streams

Church of Scotland
Below is a list of churches that regularly livestream services or offer them as downloadable recordings. Please bear in mind that, given the current situation, some of these services may not go ahead. It may be helpful to check your chosen church's social media or websites for the most up-to-date information.  

Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church in Scotland has regular online services and details are available here.

Methodist Church in Scotland
The Methodist Church has regular services online here.

Covid-19: Emergency Norms

The diocese have published Emergency Norms (here) for those who are critically ill or dying during the Covid-19 Pandemic. 
These norms include what members of the faithful should do in the case of Anointing of the Sick or The Sacrament of Reconciliation.

“Let my prayer come before you like incense.”

In this disturbing time for the world and for the Church, we feel the need more than ever to “lift up our hands in prayer.” Even when the Mass is not available or we are confined to home or hospital, we can still bring ourselves, and our hopes and fears, before the Lord, asking for his strength and consolation. We can remain part of the worldwide prayer of the Church, asking the Father to deliver us from our current evils, and through the practice of spiritual communion unite ourselves to the Eucharistic Sacrifice our priests will be offering privately. We can still keep the Lord’s Day holy. The prayers in below link are offered to help us do this. Surely our voice will be heard.

With every blessing,

+ Hugh Gilbert OSB, Bishop of Aberdeen, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland

A Prayer for Time of Sickness 
(from the Roman Missal):

O God,
who willed that our infirmities be borne by your Only Begotten Son to show the value of human suffering,
listen in kindness to our prayers for our brothers and sisters who are sick;
grant that all who are oppressed by pain, distress or other afflictions may know that they are chosen
among those proclaimed blessed and are united to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world.
Through Christ Our Lord,

Pope Francis - 

(pdf download)

The Church in Communion: 
A Sure Support in Time of Trial

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