PSC information
Diocese of Galloway
Diocese of Galloway
PSC information
The Galloway Music Network
supporting musicians in the Diocese of Galloway
in south west Scotland.
Mass Settings - new missal translation
We will be providing Mass Settings by local composers, that you are free to use if you would like to.
Holy Trinity Mass - Harry McFarlane
Published by
Decani Music
Accompaning Catholic Funeral Masses
This is a brief guide about accompaning Catholic
Funeral Masses for musicians of other denominations.
Funeral Masses
The music survey 'results' are now available online. Thank for taking the time to complete it for us.
Music Survey
Music and Liturgy Links
These links might provide some additional help and inspiration for you!
Music & Liturgy Links
For more information about the
Galloway Music Network,
please contact:
Mrs Nicola Lawrence,
152 Kenley Road,
t: 0141 886 7963
e: nicola@lawrencesolutions.co.uk
Useful Links
PSC information
Contact Info
t: 01292 266750
e: administration@gallowaydiocese.org.uk
Diocese of Galloway,
Candida Casa, 8 Corsehill Road
Ayr KA7 2ST
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (lunch 1pm - 2pm)
© 2024
All Rights Reserved | Diocese of Galloway
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